Ordering Process

Your Ideal Chicken Coop Awaits!

At Chicken Coop Backyard, we confidently craft each chicken coop to meet your unique vision. 

Our seamless ordering process empowers you to share your specific desires, including custom colors, sizes, features, and truly one-of-a-kind designs. 

Ordering Process

Design Phase


The design phase is the first part of the ordering process. Starting with one of our coop models, we review possible upgrade options and customer requests and needs. With each step of the design phase our customers are able to review drawings and pricing of their custom coop. 

Throughout this process a project completion date is tentatively scheduled on the calendar. 

Contract & Work Order


Once the design is finalized a word order/invoice document is issued detailing building specifications and the final drawings of the custom chicken coop project, along with final pricing including taxes and delivery/install charges. 

Confirmation – Delivery Date & Deposit


Once the project is confirmed a 50% deposit is required and the delivery date is confirmed on the calendar. 

Production & Delivery



Typically, about a week prior to delivery (a month for out-of-state orders) your custom chicken coop will go in production in the Chick Inn Coops workshop. We manufacture as much of the coop as possible, often times in panels. During the production phase we love to send our customers update photos so you can follow along. 

Delivery & Installation


On delivery date our crew will install your custom chicken coop. This may take anywhere from 2 hours to several days depending on the size of the project. 

During delivery and installation, we will install any foundation (if ordered), assemble the entire unit and do a complete touch up painting.